Monday 28 June 2010

Saturday 5 June 2010

Sunday 30 May 2010

Friday 21 May 2010

When People Believe in War

The Conservative, Liberal Democrat, and Labour parties all believe in war.

This video shows what their supporters believe in when they support them at the ballot box.

There are a lot of people who voted for these parties who have the blood of innocent people on their hands whilst calling the British National Party, racists and Fascists.

They cannot erase the blood and they cannot erase the guilt of the deaths of millions of people, and they make the fine attributes of freedom and democracy an evil upon the earth.

Tuesday 18 May 2010

People versus Corporatisation

United Kingdom Demographics:

This article is about the demographic features of the population of the United Kingdom, including population density, ethnicity, education level, health of the populace, economic status, religious affiliations and other aspects of the population.

According to the 2001 census, the total population of the United Kingdom was 58,789,194—the third-largest in the European Union (behind Germany and metropolitan France) and the 21st-largest in the world. Its overall population density is one of the highest in the world, due to the particularly high population density in England. Almost one-third of the population lives in England's southeast and is predominantly urban and suburban, with about 8.2 million in the capital city of England, London. The United Kingdom's extremely high literacy rate (99%) is attributable to universal public education introduced for the primary level in 1870 and secondary level in 1900. Education is compulsory from the ages of 5 to 16, with an option to continue education free of charge in the form of A-Levels, vocational training or apprenticeship to age 18. About two-fifths of British students go on to post-secondary education (18+). The Church of England and the Church of Scotland function as the official national churches in their respective countries, but all the major religions found in the world are represented in the United Kingdom.

The UK's population is predominantly White British.

Being located close to continental Europe, the countries that formed the United Kingdom were subject to many invasions and migrations, especially from Scandinavia and the continent, including Roman occupation for several centuries. Historically, British people were thought to be descended mainly from the different ethnic stocks that settled there before the 11th century; The Britons, Anglo-Saxons, Romans, Vikings and the Normans, who had lived in Northern France. However, recent genetic analysis appears to indicate that around 80% of British DNA comes from an indigenous population who settled Britain around 12,000 years ago, with subsequent invaders contributing very little to the gene-pool. LINK

The case for replacement through mass migration, which WILL effect the genepool?


Mass migration to the UK did not begin fully until 1948. The native population of the United Kingdom has never been asked whether they agree with it and no debate on the economic, social or cultural benefits and drawbacks, has ever been conducted.

David Cameron (in the video), relates to 'Operation Black Vote', and to a history of 'racism' against black people in Britain who he says should take their 'rightful' place, but the sovereign will of the British people has never been sought nor gained in relation to any government policy or treaty in respect of mass migration.

The video shows that mass migration is in fact a social construct to create a global workforce, global consumers, and global corporate profits with no regard at all to criminality or to the cultural erosion , family break up and displacement of civilizations which took a millennium to make,  of all peoples which businesses and politicians simply use as their economic slaves in no different a way than once did ancient Rome.


To protest against this destruction of our gene-pool, people, race, society, culture and the discrimination against you which is undermining your individual opportunity to better the lives of you and your family, you should write to your MP and ask who gave him the authority to do this, and ask him to provide you with all relevant information regarding all government decision making in regard to immigration since 1948.

You should also ask, what measures has he taken to raise issues of criminality checks on all immigrants into this country since 1948, and ask that he provides you with evidence of the checks under the Freedom of Information Act.

You should compile a file as to the facts in regard to former criminal prosecutions of individuals prior to them being declared a British citizen.

That's if you're interested in whether any were sex-traffickers, pedophiles, muggers, robbers, gun dealers, drug pushers, drug abusers and child abusers etc.

And you should seek information why a person who has committed bigamy was permitted into this country to continue to live in bigamy since it is and was against the law.


You should ask your MP whether he signed the Early Day Motion signed by 122 MP's to recognise the indigenous rights of those people native to Britain of which you are one, and ask him why he signed or indeed did not sign.

Your MP MUST give a written reply to your questions.

Get these worms out of our woodwork and make them understand that THEY are our servants not us theirs.

Friday 14 May 2010

Thursday 15 April 2010

"Superpower" The Movie

"Superpower The Movie" is available on DVD here.

Noted as a "comprehensive film that asks tough questions and goes behind the scenes of America’s national security apparatus and military actions". 'Superpower' brings inside views which brilliantly illustrate why the world is as it is and what is really behind it all. You may fathom what our own part is in the race for global power, and begin to open your eyes to the truth a little more if you watch it, but beware as it may shatter your illusions of who really holds the power.

Synopsis from the site:

Superpower: Far from a conspiracy film about the dangers of government secrets and regime change, this well-balanced film straddles the philosophical divide and allows viewers to understand the US quest for global dominance through economic and military strategy that is exposed through review of historical events, personal interviews, and analysis of US foreign policy.

The heart of Superpower lies in the analysis produced from a re-examination of history through a series of interviews with historians, documentarians, and academians such as Bill Blum, Chalmers Johnson, Michel Chossudovsky, and Noam Chomsky, and others with expertise in this subject such as the Executive Producer of The Unit, Command Sergeant (Ret.) Eric Haney; former Chief Economist for the US Department of Labor, Morgan Reynolds; three-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee, Kathy Kelly; and Lt. Col. (Ret) Karen Kwiatkowski. Examining key moments in America's history elicits a more consistent and plausible set of motives for US foreign policy actions guided by global expansion and military dominance, rather than the hyperbolic calls for democracy and totalitarian regime change that we have become so accustomed to hearing.

Should citizens trust that their government will keep them safe, a government that keeps secrets, and lies, in the name of national security? Does the simple act of withholding information lead to a world of eroding civil liberties and corruption? Superpower presents a view of US foreign policy, which lies in stark contrast to that depicted by corporate media, popular pundits, and US heads of state. With the fall of the Soviet Union, the US has emerged as the preeminent superpower of the world. Superpower illustrates how the United States has chosen to leverage that position to pursue a grand strategy which will ensure itself unilateral world domination through absolute economic and military superiority. It shows a consistent pattern of government deception.

The United States emerged from World War II with its industrial base still intact and the only nation with the atomic bomb. It was without question the most powerful country on earth. What was done with this unprecedented power, the effects it's had on our Republic and the rest of the world is the story of Superpower.

Thursday 25 March 2010


Is this an innocent Marxist selling political propaganda to overthrow capitalism, and who David Cameron supports. Or is he the dart throwing Marxist on a day off from his Marxist market stall, and one and the same person who wants to overthrow capitalism, and who David Cameron supports.


I leave it for readers to decide, since the Marxist Govt Prosecutor, (CPS), who's Union supports and provides coaches and banners to UAF Marxists so they can protest against free speech, throw darts at people along with other missiles, hurl hammers at innocent people going about their business, and generally call anyone who disagrees with their lunatic beliefs, Fascist, yet the government seems unable to actually prevent it.

Hat Tip: Slow Train Coming (Thank you)


Well it's simple. Free speech for the government and its Marxist scum, is obviously more important than free speech for those who don't want a Communist and Islamic Britain of course.